GDS针对Blue Orca报告发布声明:

中国上海,2018年8月01(全球通讯社)——万国数据控股有限公司(“GDS控股”“GDS”或“公司”)(纳斯达克:GDS),一家在中国领先高性能数据中心运营商和服务商,昨天得知这份BlueOrca Capital, LLC卖空机构发布的主题报告(以下简称“报告”)









在纳斯达克交易所(NASDAQ stock exchange)上市的GDS,是公司在海外筹集长期资本的实体。根据相关规定,包括中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)的规定,该公司只能通过外管局的批准将资金从境外汇入境内。因此,GDS将其现金存放在海外,直到有特定需求的时候,才会在中国内地完成资本注入。




GDS计算应付天数,即平均应付余额除以运营和资本支出的总购买量乘以360。根据公司的定义,其2015、2016年和2017年的应付天数分别为 119天,106天和122天。

总之,公司驳斥了对报告的指控,重申其先前声明的准确性,并保留对Blue Orca Capital和/或负责报告的人采取适当法律行动的所有权利。公司保留在未来几天和几周内提供更多详细信息以进一步披露报告的权利。


GDS控股有限公司(纳斯达克股票代码: GDS)是中国领先的高性能数据中心开发商和运营商。该公司的设施具有战略性地位于中国主要经济中心,这些地区对高性能数据中心服务的需求集中。公司的数据中心净占地面积大,功率容量大,密度高,效率高,反复迭代冗余度囊括所有关键系统。GDS是运营商和云的中间商,使客户能够连接到所有主要的中国电信运营商,并访问GDS在其设施中托管的众多的中国云服务巨头提供商。该公司提供托管和托管服务,包括与主要云平台的直接私有连接。公司拥有17年的服务交付记录,成功满足了中国一些大、最苛刻的外包数据中心服务客户的需求。公司的客户基础主要包括超大规模的云服务提供商、大型互联网公司、金融机构、电信和IT服务提供商,以及国内大型的私营部门和跨国公司。  





Laura Chen

电话: +86 (21) 2033-0295


The Piacente Group, Inc.

Ross Warner

电话: +86 (10) 5730-6200


Brandi Piacente

电话: +1 (212) 481-2050



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GDS Issues Statement inResponse to Blue Orca Report

SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 01,2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GDS Holdings Limited (“GDS Holdings,” “GDS” or the“Company”) (NASDAQ:GDS), a leading developer and operator of high-performancedata centers in China, learned yesterday that it was the subject of a shortseller report (the “Report”) issued by Blue Orca Capital, LLC (“Blue Orca”).

The Report’s allegationsare false, its conclusions are incorrect and its premises reflect a fundamentalmisunderstanding of the Company’s business.

Mr. William Wei Huang,Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, remarked, “We ask that our investors beaware that the Report reflects the opinions of an acknowledged short seller,whose sole interest is in profiting from a decline in the price of the Company’s shares. I have full confidence in our management team andtheir abilities to continue to serve our customers without being distracted bythese baseless allegations.”  Mr. Huangfurther stated, “As a leading data center service provider in China with a17-year track record, we pride ourselves in the trust and relationships we havebuilt with our customers who rely on us. We remain fully committed to continue to grow our business and toprotect and create value for our customers, our shareholders and ouremployees.”

Set forth below are theCompany’s initial responses to allegations made in the Report.

1. Area in Service andUtilization of a Data Center

GDS has commitments for100% of the space of GZ1 from two customers. GDS is currently receiving revenue for 94% of the total committed spaceof GZ1 from these two customers, which is in line with the Company’s definitionof “area utilized”.  The two operatorsreferenced in the Report are leasing the capacity from one of the abovecustomers.

2. Purchase Price andRelated-Party Nature of Certain Acquisitions

The amounts ofconsideration paid as disclosed in the Company’s SEC filings are accurate. Therelevant SAIC filings only reflect a portion of the consideration. None of theemployees, directors or shareholders of the acquired data centers identified inthe Report were at any time an employee, director or related party of GDS.

3. Capital Raising andDebt

GDS Holdings, listed onthe NASDAQ stock exchange, is the entity through which the Company raiseslong-term capital offshore. Under relevant regulations, including those of thePRC State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE"), the Companycan only remit monies from offshore to onshore as approved by SAFE. GDSHoldings therefore holds its cash offshore until such time as there is aspecific need, and the onshore capital injection is completed.

4.Mounting Balance of Unbilled Receivables

GDS'saccounts receivable cycle, including unbilled accounts receivable, lastsapproximately 70 days. Unbilled receivables arise in the normal course ofbusiness. Higher unbilled accounts receivables reflect the shift in GDS'customer profile to large cloud customers, primarily the major Chinese Internetcompanies. GDS's accounts receivable days are well within market practice, andthe company has had no bad debt for three years.

5.Lengthening Payable Cycle

GDScalculates Days Payable Outstanding as the average payable balance, divided bytotal purchases in terms of operating and capital expenditures, multiplied by360. Under the Company’s definition, its Days Payable Outstanding were 119, 106and 122 days for 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Insum, the Company refutes the allegations of the Report, reaffirms the accuracyof its prior statements and reserves all of its rights to take appropriatelegal action against Blue Orca Capital and/or those responsible for the Report.The Company reserves the right to provide additional detail to further rebutthe Report in the days and weeks to come.

AboutGDS Holdings Limited

GDSHoldings Limited (Nasdaq:GDS) is a leading developer and operator ofhigh-performance data centers in China. The Company’s facilities arestrategically located in China’s primary economic hubs where demand forhigh-performance data center services is concentrated. The Company’s datacenters have large net floor area, high power capacity, density and efficiency,and multiple redundancy across all critical systems. GDS is carrier and cloudneutral, which enables customers to connect to all major PRC telecommunicationscarriers, and to access a number of the largest PRC cloud service providers,whom GDS hosts in its facilities. The Company offers colocation and managedservices, including direct private connection to major cloud platforms. TheCompany has a 17-year track record of service delivery, successfully fulfillingthe requirements of some of the largest and most demanding customers foroutsourced data center services in China. The Company’s base of customersconsists predominantly of hyper-scale cloud service providers, large internetcompanies, financial institutions, telecommunications and IT service providers,and large domestic private sector and multinational corporations.


Thisannouncement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are madeunder the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private SecuritiesLitigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can beidentified by terminology such as "aim," "anticipate,""believe," "continue," "estimate,""expect," "future," "guidance,""intend," "is/are likely to," "may,""ongoing," "plan," "potential,""target," "will," and similar statements. Among otherthings, statements that are not historical facts, including statements aboutGDS Holdings' beliefs and expectations regarding the growth of its businessesand its revenue outlook, the business outlook and quotations from management inthis announcement, as well as GDS Holdings' strategic and operational plans,are or contain forward-looking statements. GDS Holdings may also make writtenor oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on Forms 20-F and 6-K,in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other writtenmaterials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employeesto third parties. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks anduncertainties. A number of factors could cause GDS Holdings' actual results orfinancial performance to differ materially from those contained in anyforward-looking statement, including but not limited to the following: GDSHoldings' goals and strategies; GDS Holdings' future business development,financial condition and results of operations; the expected growth of themarket for high-performance data centers, data center solutions and relatedservices in China; GDS Holdings' expectations regarding demand for and marketacceptance of its high-performance data centers, data center solutions andrelated services; GDS Holdings' expectations regarding building, strengtheningand maintaining its relationships with new and existing customers; thecontinued adoption of cloud computing and cloud service providers in China; risksand uncertainties associated with increased investments in GDS Holdings'business and new data center initiatives; risks and uncertainties associatedwith strategic acquisitions and investments; GDS Holdings' ability to maintainor grow its revenue or business; fluctuations in GDS Holdings' operatingresults; changes in laws, regulations and regulatory environment that affectGDS Holdings' business operations; competition in GDS Holdings' industry inChina; security breaches; power outages; and fluctuations in general economicand business conditions in China and globally and assumptions underlying orrelated to any of the foregoing. Further information regarding these and otherrisks, uncertainties or factors is included in the GDS Holdings' filings withthe SEC, including its registration statement on Form F-1, as amended. Allinformation provided in this press release is as of the date of this pressrelease and are based on assumptions that GDS Holdings believes to bereasonable as of such date, and GDS Holdings does not undertake any obligationto update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicablelaw.

Forinvestor and media inquiries, please contact:

GDSHoldings Limited


Phone:+86 (21) 2033-0295

ThePiacente Group, Inc.


Phone:+86 (10) 5730-6200


Phone:+1 (212) 481-2050

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